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NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 2 Community Resources

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NHS FPX 4000:
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NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 2
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NHS FPX 4000:
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NHS FPX 4000:
Developing a Health Care Perspective

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NHS FPX 4000:
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Applying Research Skills

NHS FPX 4000:
Developing a Health Care Perspective

NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 2
Applying Research Skills
NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 2
Applying Research Skills
NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 2
Applying Research Skills

NHS FPX 4000:
Developing a Health Care Perspective

NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 2
Applying Research Skills
NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 2
Applying Research Skills
NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 2
Applying Research Skills

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Community Resources

Community Resources

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Capella University of Health and Sciences

4060: Practicing in the Community to Improve Population Health –

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The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, popularly known as UNICEF, is one of the organizations under the United Nations responsible for promoting children across the world. Working in over 190 countries and territories, UNICEF works on ensuring that the world becomes a place where each child survives, thrives, and is able to bring out their full potential (UNICEF, 2022). The report outlines how UNICEF has supported the improvement of public health and safety, advocated children’s rights, and has managed projects aimed at offering improved living conditions. Such areas shall be useful in bringing the relevance and value of UNICEF into sharp perspective with respect to the protection of children’s rights and the betterment of their lives.

UNICEF’s Vision and Mission

The United Nations International Children Emergency Fund is based on a vision and mission. It has a mission that centers on the goal to promote and protect every child’s life and ensure that they get equal opportunities from birth to the youth stage. The vision of UNICEF is a world where every child gets a chance to grow up healthy, receives a quality education, and is safe. UNICEF fight for the elimination of poverty, inequities, and violence (Hendel, 2022). This vision and mission manifest in the shape of programs that bring long-term changes in the health, security, and well-being of children around the world.

Initiative Supporting UNICEF’s Mission

One of the efforts that UNICEF seeks to promote to improve public health is immunization. UNICEF is the largest buyer of vaccines in the world. Through its immunization programs, it reaches almost half of the children worldwide against life-threatening illnesses like measles, polio, and tetanus (Thompson & Kalkowska, 2021). A key example of this commitment

is the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) in partnership with the World Health Organization and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. By focusing on reaching each of the children in the hard to reach areas or those affected by conflicts, UNICEF helps toward Global Health security in accordance with its mandate in promoting Child rights for health (Alonge, 2020). In the United States, UNICEF takes initiatives to ensure that affected children are immunized with vaccines necessary for their health and safety, thereby safeguarding public health and promoting safety.

Another important aspect of UNICEF’s work is its Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene programs. Hand washing stations installed at schools and in communities have reduced cholera and diarrheal diseases, some of the biggest killers of children in the country. Such interventions offer much more than better health for people; they enable children to be able to attend school regularly. UNICEF also works with other organizations locally within the United States on hygiene practices that are protective of health to the child, hence supporting its mission and vision at a national level (Momberg et al., 2020).

UNICEF Improving Quality Of Life

UNICEF believes and committed to creating equal opportunities to uplift children and the community in general all around the world. Considering that issues that affect the wellbeing of children are complex, the UNICEF also has to respond to an equally complex range of social, cultural, economic, and physical challenges. These problems at social, cultural, economic, or physical level, tend to affect working of UNICEF which is entrusted with in ensuring that the child grows up and lives in an environment that gives him or her a reason to live an enabling life for his or her development and growth.

Social and Cultural Barriers

UNICEF always focuses on social and cultural barriers. Strong customs and social norms can lead to a narrow pathway of education and health care, mainly for girls from marginalized areas. UNICEF does this by changing societal thought processes through awareness camps, community outreach, and by advocating from policy reforming processes (Psaki et al., 2021). For example, UNICEF Girls’ Education Initiative combats all forms of barriers linked with gender stereotypes and focuses on girls’ education. The concerned program has improved the enrolment rate of girls in various countries along with improving their retention rate, hence ensuring them a much better life in the long term with improved quality of life for themselves as well (UNICEF, 2020).

Economic Barriers

Economic challenges affect the well-being of the children by leading to malnutrition, lack of education, as well as insufficient health care. UNICEF addresses these issues through various programs that economically empower such affected families. One of these programs is the Social Protection Programs, which provides monetary assistance in the form of cash transfers and other economic benefits for families with low incomes. These are programs that see to it that children get access to important services such as nutritious food, education, and healthcare. Relieving the financial burden, UNICEF enables families to make long-term investments in their children with equal opportunities to improve quality of life (UNICEF, 2022).

Physical Barriers

Physical barriers, such as geographic isolation and lack of infrastructure, can hinder children’s access to some necessary services and opportunities. UNICEF’s strategies to overcome

such physical barriers include infrastructure development and provision of mobile services. UNICEF sets up temporary education centers and mobile health clinics in areas affected by conflict and remote areas to ensure that children continue receiving education and healthcare. For instance, in many regions, UNICEF mobile health units bring critical health services to children and families in the regions that are difficult to reach, greatly simplifying health outcomes and improving chances of survival (UNICEF, 2022).


UNICEF’s comprehensive program of breaking social, cultural, economic, and physical barriers has immense implications for the communities it serves in promoting equal opportunities and access to basic services. It does not only affecting the well-being of individual children but the general development and stability of entire communities by providing a way to break through cycles of poverty and inequality, hence raising stronger and empowered communities. Moreover, by providing children with safe environments in which to thrive, UNICEF’s efforts contribute towards larger goals of health and safety in society and, therefore, to the well-being of nations globally (UNICEF, 2022).

Impact of Funds and Legislation on UNICEF Work

UNICEF is greatly influenced by funding sources and legislation it receives and under which it operates. The organization relies on donations from governments, private individuals, and various fund-raising activities as the means of raising finances to support its projects. The funding from governments forms the greatest part of it; the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Germany rank as the highest contributors. These funds finance many projects from immediate relief to long-term development. Yet, as the amount of money available

changes, so does UNICEF’s ability to provide continuous service. Economic recession or a shift in priorities from donors can lead to less funding endangering programs that are very important. Furthermore, private sector and individual support is equally critical to fill up the gaps left by the governmental funding and enable UNICEF to take up newer challenges and find innovative solutions for them (UNICEF, 2022).

The existing laws and policies also greatly influence UNICEF’s activities. Global policies, such as those of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), share goals similar to UNICEF’s and therefore form a framework for its activities. The laws in the countries where UNICEF works either make its job easy or difficult. For instance, laws on the rights of children and appropriations supporting health, education, and social welfare directly advance UNICEF’s work. Conversely, too rigid laws or a lack of appropriate legislation can sometimes pose an overwhelming obstacle. The substantive areas may sometimes not only include red tape and rigid rules that are bureaucratic to retard the speed of implementation, but also, on many other occasions, supportive policy aids cooperation and resource mobilization. For example, in the case of the United States, laws like that on the Foreign Assistance Act have paved ways for the easy funding of UNICEF, hence making it more capable to respond adequately to emergencies as they arise across the world (UNICEF, 2022).


The Financial decisions, policies, and laws have vast impacts on the ability to deliver services by UNICEF. Sufficient and stable funding guarantees that essential services such as vaccination programs and emergency aid are reliably available in large extent. Supportive legislation eases operations and enables better relations with local governments and other

partners. Supportive legislation facilitates operations and makes it easier to engage local governments and other partners. On the flipside, such inability to fill the gaps in services offered because of funding gaps and restrictive policies may go on to impact hugely on the most vulnerable in these countries. UNICEF, therefore, needs to ensure that it continues to advocate for continued funding and favorable policies because such advocacy does not only expand its operational efficiency but also creates an enabling environment where the rights and well-being of children become a global concern (UNICEF, 2022).

UNICEF Impact on the Safety Needs of the Community

UNICEF’s efforts extensively impact on the health and safety needs of communities globally, using extensive programs to address these key issues. UNICEF works in areas such as immunization, nutrition, water, sanitation, and education through investing public health for improving the community’s overall safety and well-being. One case that demonstrates the efficacy of UNICEF’s work pertains to its large-scale immunization programs. The programs protect children against supervisory diseases like measles, polio, tetanus, amongst others, greatly reducing the overall juvenile mortality rate and preventing an epidemic disaster in that area. UNICEF has mobile vaccination units on the front line to ensure that even the most vulnerable groups-in war-torn and inaccessible parts of the world-are reached with the right vaccinations. This would save lives and develop community immunities for proper resilience to public threats to health (UNICEF, 2022).

UNICEF’s Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) programs are an assurance of community health safety. The cases of waterborne diseases, such as cholera and diarrheal illnesses, which rank as the leading causes of child mortality, are reduced by access to clean

water and the promotion of good hygiene practices. The programs range from construction and rehabilitation of systems for water supply to setting up hand washing stations, including hygiene education. These efforts have transformed public health outcomes in parts of sub-Saharan Africa, among other regions, to ensure that children lead healthy lives and are consistently present in school (UNICEF, 2022).

The Role of Nurses in UNICEF

Nurses play main role in UNICEF’s work to meet both the health and safety needs of communities; this contribution takes the form either of direct service provision, or community education. Being on the front line of UNICEF’s health programs, nurses administer vaccines, provide basic medical care, and facilitate nutritional support. Their clinical knowledge base and caring nature of practice are crucial in emergency situations for outbreak management and delivery of lifesaving interventions. Beyond direct health care, UNICEF nurses make contributions through health education and outreach in the community. They sensitize families on issues such as vaccination, nutrition, and hygiene practices, thereby giving communities control over their own health. In doing this, these nurses are engaged in actual capacity-building and resilience building at local levels, hence leading to long-term health improvement (Ciurea et al., 2020).

Through sharing of experiences at ground level, emphasizing needs of communities that they serve, the nurse’s impact policy decision makers and donors for mobilizing support for essential health programs. They are also be involved in studies, data collection, and other insight-giving exercises toward the strategies and activities adopted by UNICEF. Incorporation of nurses

in UNICEF programs not only improves service delivery but also enhances comprehensive health services in communities. The multifaceted roles, extending to clinical care, education, and advocacy, have a place in UNICEF’s work pursuing improvements to public health, safety, and quality of life for children and their families (Ciurea et al., 2020).


UNICEF has done extensive work in the betterment of public health and safety, equalizing opportunities, and enhancement of living standards in all communities around the globe. It shows its strong commitment towards its goals and objectives. UNICEF initiates the most vital programs, covering immunization drives to WASH and support in education, among many others, which directly meet the fundamental needs of health and safety. This is elaborating on the ability of the organization to derive support from multiple funding channels and their flexibility under the complex legal environments. Furthermore, the critical role of nurses in delivering healthcare and community interests underlines a mutually inclusive and comprehensive participative strategy for its sustainable growth. UNICEF works not only to save lives but also to help communities thrive and ensure the children fulfill their potential everywhere.


Alonge, O. (2020). What can over 30 years of efforts to eradicate polio teach us about global health? BMC Public Health, 20(S2).

Ciurea, d., Fărcășanu, d., Motea, o., & Onofrei, l. (2020). Community healthcare community nurses’ opinions on working conditions, professional activity and training needs buchareST 2020. media/6736/file/COMMUNITY%20HEALTHCARE%20.pdf

Hendel, N. (2022). United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF). International Conflict and Security Law, 719–731.

Momberg, D. J., Ngandu, B. C., Voth-Gaeddert, L. E., Cardoso Ribeiro, K., May, J., Norris, S. A., & Said-Mohamed, R. (2020). Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in sub-Saharan Africa and associations with undernutrition, and governance in children under five years of age: A systematic review. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 1–28.

Psaki, S., Haberland, N., Kozak, M., & Woyczynski, L. (2021). Girls’ Education Roadmap: 2021 Report. Poverty, Gender, and Youth.

Thompson, K. M., & Kalkowska, D. A. (2021). An Updated Economic Analysis of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Risk Analysis, 41(2), 393–406.

UNICEF. (2020). UNICEF Annual Report 2020.


UNICEF. (2022). What we do. UNICEF.

UNICEF. (2022a). Global Annual Results Report 2022. Global%20Annual%20Results%20Report %202022%20:%20Goal%20area%203.pdf

UNICEF. (2022b, May). UNICEF Annual Report 2021.

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