Locating Credible Databases and Research
FPX4030: Making Evidence-Based Decisions
Evidence-based Practice (EBP) in nursing acts as one of the bases in modern nursing as it integrates not only clinical experience, but also the best evidence provided by research can affect the process of decision-making in the care of patients. As a new nurse, one needs to be equipped with knowledge about accessible databases and research tools that will help to navigate through. This study aimed at training the new nurses on Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) by implementing credible databases and research sources in evidence-based practice (EBP).
Communication Strategies for Research Encouragement
Effective communication strategies for encouraging research include provision of a supportive environment and information sharing on the latest discoveries regarding diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). Seminars, workshops, and discussions can be held as an approach of exchanging ideas. Mentorship programs and collaborative projects provide guidance and hands-on experience that further support a responsive culture. Openness in communication is a novel way in which research encouragement accommodates the health and academic environment. Collaboration and an innovative environment among researchers, clinicians, and stakeholders can be fostered by being open in communication.
One of the effective ways of attaining this approach is through the establishment of regular forums and meetings, through which individuals can discuss research ideas, progress, and findings. The communication strategies are important in fostering an EBP culture because they provide channels through which a collaborative culture, most ideal for research involvement, could be developed for (UTI). Firstly, educational workshops and seminars provide first-hand experience with research databases and foster a sense of confidence and competence among nurses (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2022). The mentorship programs provide individualized mentoring to ease the navigation of the complex research landscapes and ensure that the new nurses feel supported in their evidence searching endeavors.
Secondly, regular team meetings should be held where UTI knowledge is shared and discussed on recent research findings to enforce the use of evidence-based practice in everyday practice. Finally, the use of technology will provides ease in the transfer of information regarding UTI hence, giving updates to all nurses concerning the progress of the latest researches. This technique does provide the nurses with feedback and recognitions of the nurse’s efforts to research; hence, the nurses are encouraged to participate in EBP by creating the culture of learning.
Benefits of Communication Strategies
The strategies of effective communication currently adopted result in multi-leveled benefits for the staff nurse and the extended health care team. While the workshops and mentoring programs aimed at improving the research abilities of the nurses certainly contributed to their professional growth by enhancing their confidence and competence in applying the principles of EBP to manage UTI (Jangland et al., 2021). Regular team meetings provides a place where nurses raise questions on UTI problems and seek advice from each other’s experiences (Giddens et al., 2022). Technology could also be tapped in information sharing about UTI so that all nurses will have an equal opportunity in a particular health facility. In short Communication plays pivotal role for the creation of an open culture of trust and transparency among the working members, which allows openness and sharing of ideas.
The Best Places to Complete Research
Identifying the best places to conduct research increases the accessibility of the necessary information for nurses (Sharma, 2022). These places includes, online libraries, academic journals and databases. Nursing stations contain libraries of databases and documents outlining hospital policies (Davis et al., 2019). Online libraries with an extended set of peer-reviewed articles and
clinical studies offers access to quality, open access journals. Some key academic journals involved are Journal of Urology, Clinical Infectious Diseases, and International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents that publish leading research on UTI diagnosis, treatment, and resistance. Furthermore, PubMed (National Library of Medicine, 2024), EBSCO (EBSCO, 2019), The Cochrane Library (Cochrane, 2019) and BMJ (British Medical Association) are robust online databases for finding peer-reviewed journals and clinical guidelines. These online libraries, journals, and databases relating to urinary tract infection forms the basis for adequate research that is up-to-date, and allows relevant studies to be carried out in the best way possible toward a better understanding, prevention, and treatment of UTIs.
Reasons to Utilize the Places
Nurses must utilize healthcare resources for instance, the online libraries bring a central location for accessing a wide variety of information resources gathered from scholarly sources. Nursing stations also provide direct access to online databases and policy documents, enabling nurses with the ability to retrieve information quickly. Existence of online portals, such as PubMed (National Library of Medicine, 2024), EBSCO (EBSCO, 2019), Cochrane Library (Cochrane, 2019) and BMJ, are valuable resources of peer-reviewed articles and evidence-based guidelines that nurses could use to update themselves with recent research findings about UTIs. These research settings offer an interdisciplinary aspect, as they allow nurses to be in interaction with other healthcare providers for evidence-based practice.
Selected Five sources
Selection of good quality peer-reviewed evidence sources, are significant to guide through best evidence for practice regarding urinary tract infection (UTI). PubMed allows access to an unprecedented number of peer-reviewed articles, including literature such as research
papers and clinical trials on a variety of peer-reviewed journals in areas associated to medicine and health. It helps nurses keep well-informed of new research outcomes and, thus, with updated clinical guidelines for the diagnosis of UTI (Sharma, 2022). The (EBSCO, 2019) is the cumulative database specifically to nursing that identifies a huge database, much utilized by the nursing and related health professions. In nursing practice EBSCO the best tool to use to diagnose and manage UTI. (Giddens et al., 2022). The Cochrane Library is known for its systematic reviews and meta-analyses that provide the finest evidence for interventions in health care. Its standards of quality are among the best, and therefore it relates an indispensable resource for evidence-based practice in UTI assessment (Schmidt & Brown, 2024). The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK, 2019), gives definitive information and guidelines about the health of the urinary tract, including its use to prevent and treat UTIs. It offers valuable insight to help integrate comprehensive care strategies in nursing practice (UTI) (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2022). BMJ (British Medical Association) is a reputable resource for evidence-based guidance relevant to management specifically for UTI. It provides detailed information on diagnosis, treatment, and management of UTIs, updated with the latest research knowledge and clinical guidelines. BMJ Best Practice is used comprehensively by healthcare professionals for access to relevant, up-to-date information (Hartman et al., 2023). These resources provides nurses with relevant, recent information, and evidence based practice and UTI management guidelines to enhance the patient care.
The ranking of useful sources for evidence based practice for UTI information are: PubMed has a vast collection of peer-reviewed journals and clinical trials about UTIs, which is quite impressive, ranks first. NIDDK is an authoritative source of information containing
guidelines and information related to urinary tract health, ranks second. The Cochrane Library is a quality source with good evidence mainly on UTI healthcare interventions for its systematic reviews and meta-analysis, ranks third. BMJ Best Practice is a reputable resource for evidence-based guidance relevant to management specifically for UTI is one of the top ranking source due to its comprehensiveness, practicable recommendations, and ease of use ranks fourth. On the other hand, (EBSCO, 2019) contains loads of literature exclusively designed for nursing and allied health students, ranks fifth. These rankings are based upon the amount of content, ease of navigation, and its relevance to nursing practice.
Explanation of Why These Sources Provide the Best Evidence
These resources provide best evidences because all these selected sources are supported for UTI diagnosis, they have highly researched methodology and include a wide spectrum of health topics (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2022). They are valid because they systematically review information and maintain high research standards that would guarantee that the contribution is accurate and up to date. These libraries can be used at the core of every health professional because they group data from a number of studies, giving an exceptional view of best works in treating UTIs with best evidence.
These sources are relatively easy to use and navigate; hence, doctors and nurses can easily locate whatever information they are seeking. Basically, with a focus on evidence-based guidelines, these sources align with the strategies which healthcare professionals employ in diagnosing and treating UTIs in order to achieve the best results for diagnosis and treatment. Their standard and expertise in the field make them an essential tools for all healthcare workers who want to deliver the best care in UTI treatment. They are known for their reliability, and latest relevant information for clinical practice.
Criteria for Relevancy and Usefulness
The CRAAP (Currency, Relevance, Accuracy, Authority, and Purpose) test can be applied to confirm the relevancy and usefulness of the chosen material. On all these counts, BMJ (British Medical Association) is an online clinical and reputable resource for evidence-based guidance relevant to management of UTI. It provides detailed information on diagnosis, treatment, and management of UTIs, updated with the latest research knowledge and clinical guidelines. BMJ Best Practice is used comprehensively by healthcare professionals for access to relevant, up-to-date information (Hartman et al., 2023). The Cochrane Library rates as the best because the methodology and systematic review procedure offers very strong evidence for UTI healthcare interventions (Sharma, 2022). PubMed (National Library of Medicine, 2024) is particularly noted for its tremendously vast biomedical literature coverage-naturally an asset to professional nurses for evidence-based information replenishment, their website forms an integral package for nurses in search of UTI evidence-based information. EBSCO. (2019) is focused exclusively on nursing and related health professions with a wide literature repository directly relatable to nursing practice (Schmidt & Brown, 2024). NIDDK website has an authoritative ranking due to the broader focus on UTIs (Sharma, 2022). These criteria assure nurses that they can rely on these sources for accurate and updated information to inform their practice.
Integration of databases relevant to evidence-based practices in the diagnosis of UTI improves patient care by guiding clinical decisions through reliable, relevant, and current information. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses derived from the Cochrane Library present access to higher order evidence. PubMed provides large peer-reviewed literature findings and clinical trials, EBSCO offers a built-in resource designed for nurses and allied health professionals. However, the NIDDK and BMJ website is a broader source and thus credible for UTI guidelines. So, sources that have been ranked in terms of comprehensiveness of content, ease of navigation, and relevance help nurses advance their nursing practice toward better patient outcomes.
Cochrane. (2019). Cochrane. Cochrane.org. https://www.cochrane.org/
Davis, D., Maughan, E. D., White, K. A., & Slota, M. (2019). School Nursing for the 21st Century: Assessing Scope of Practice in the Current Workforce. The Journal of School Nursing, 37(5), 105984051988060. https://doi.org/10.1177/1059840519880605
EBSCO. (2019). CINAHL Complete | EBSCO. EBSCO Information Services, Inc. | https://www.ebsco.com/products/research-databases/cinahl-complete
Giddens, J., Douglas, J. P., & Conroy, S. (2022). The Revised AACN Essentials: Implications for Nursing Regulation. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 12(4), 16–22.
Jangland, E., Gunningberg, L., & Nyholm, L. (2021). A mentoring programme to meet newly graduated nurses’ needs and give senior nurses a new career opportunity: A multiple-case study. Nurse Education in Practice, 57(57), 103233.
Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2022). Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice. In Google Books. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. https://books.google.com.pk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=EPaBEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg= PT26&dq=EvidenceBased+Practice+in +Nursing+%26+Healthcare:+ A+Guide+to+Best+Practice+(4th+ed.). +Wolters+Kluwer.&ots=PHYjOaPjvJ&sig= 3Zgp75V0wvbWUOocsZZlaTZ6yVg
National Library of Medicine. (2024). PubMed Labs. PubMed Labs. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
NIDDK. (2019, March 14). National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/
Schmidt, N. A., & Brown, J. M. (2024). Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research. In Google Books. Jones & Bartlett Learning. https://books.google.com.pk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=E7XnEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg= PP1&dq=Nursing+Research:+Reading
Sharma, S. (2022). Nursing Research and Statistics – E-Book. In Google Books. Elsevier Health Sciences. https://books.google.com.pk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=5H2eEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg= PP1&dq=Nursing+Research:+Generating+and+Assessing +Evidence+for+Nursing+Practice+(11th+ed.).+Lippincott+Williams+%26+Wilkins. &ots=Bd4JJvDxua&sig=Kols3TYKC1PmhbMf4ZG_Gn5LTLc
Hartman, E. A. R., Pol, A. C. van de, Heltveit-Olsen, S. R., Lindbæk, M., Høye, S., Lithén, S. S., Sundvall, P.-D., Sundvall, S., Arnljots, E. S., Gunnarsson, R., Kowalczyk, A., Godycki-Cwirko, M., Platteel, T. N., Groen, W. G., Monnier, A. A., Zuithoff, N. P., Verheij, T. J. M., & Hertogh, C. M. P. M. (2023). Effect of a multifaceted antibiotic stewardship intervention to improve antibiotic prescribing for suspected urinary tract infections in frail older adults (ImpresU): Pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial in four European countries. BMJ, 380, e072319. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj-2022-072319
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