Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation
FPX4020: Improving Quality of Care and Patient Safety
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Hello, I am []. Welcome to our In-Service Session on the improvement of patient identification for St. Joseph Hospital. These common errors, which include misidentification of patients, may result in the administration of the wrong medication or treatment procedures. These errors therefore compromise patient safety and the general quality of care. This session is intended to present a brief discussion of the root cause analysis that has been performed in analyzing these errors. Next, we will describe interventions to address its causes consistent with the current literature. By implementation and monitoring of best strategies, we can optimize patient identification and increase patient safety and quality of care given at St. Joseph Hospital.
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Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation
Goal of this in-service session to improve awareness of patient misidentification errors and describe a multidimensional approach toward the solution of the problem. The objectives are to ensure that every participant of this session understands the causes of such errors, provides information on new methods of identification, and updates new technology. The overall goal and objective is to minimize errors through process optimization and better use of new and existing resources. At the end of this session, participants shall have successfully improved knowledge and tools for making these safety improvements.
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Agenda and Outcomes
The agenda of this session is to enhance safety of patients by addressing the issues associated with patient identification errors at St Joseph Hospital . The discussion in this regard
would first involve defining and discussing why it is important to solve the issues of patient identification, in order to tackle the need for patients’ safety and quality of the offered services can be understood. These errors require proper measures of interventions to reduce the occurrence of adverse events and therefore ensure better health for the patient. This shall be facilitated through the utilization of improved and advanced technologies such as updated barcode scanners and EHR systems (Sittig et al., 2020). We shall also incorporate staff training concerning how identification and communication should be properly done during handoffs. These, in turn, are supported by data and evidences that prove the competency of the above-mentioned strategies in minimizing errors and increasing patient safety (Samardzic et al., 2020).
The expected learning outcomes of the session include improved understanding in terms of the current status of identified gaps and the process for implementing change, as well as urgency about minimizing errors of patient identification. By the end of the session, participants shall be equipped with appropriate knowledge and skills to enable these changes toward promoting patient safety and hence quality in healthcare.
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Safety Improvement Plan
The Safety Improvement Plan at St Joseph hospital focuses on patient misidentification and emphasizes a systematic approach by enhanced technology, trained staff, and improved processes. Features of this improvement and safety plan address root causes of patient identification errors and aims to improve the patient safety and minimization of inaccuracies. At first, implementation of Advanced Technology including updated barcode scanners and integrate an EHR system to improve patient identification accuracy. This technology will ensure that patients’ information is updated and accurate, hence minimizing errors (Sittig et al., 2020).
Secondly, Staff Training programs will be established to ensure that all staff are competent enough in handling new identification technologies and adhering to updated protocols. After this process, periodic competency assessments would be conducted to sustain the continuous improvement of practices and standards with minimal human errors (King et al., 2020). Lastly, Process Enhancements will identify no-interruption zones in relation to crucial procedures associated with patient identification. These no-interruption zones are areas where, without any kind of disturbance, nurses and other healthcare providers will conduct patient identification activities. It would greatly reduce the chances of errors happening while performing the task at hand (Kavanagh & Donnelly, 2020).
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Role and Importance of Audience
The implementation of improvement plan in St. Joseph Hospital is constructed fundamentally on the active participation and dedication of all its health providers and individuals working within it. The role and contribution of each individual is extremely vital for the seamless integration of innovative technologies and novel protocols into everyday practice (Organization, 2021). The staff is involved in maintaining and engaging the updated systems of patient identification and in maintaining no-interruption zones while sensitive procedures are being carried out. The importance of audience have great significance, staff embrace new processes and actively take part in training programs, they greatly help in minimizing patient identification errors and promoting patient safety. Not only this, but the quality of care generally provided to patients is also enhanced as well as a culture of safety and reliability cultivated in the hospital. Effective execution of the plan will rely on effective communication and collaboration by all members of the team.
This can be achieved through persuasion and open communication by describing how each role contributes to the objectives of this plan, and continuous support. By offering a free communication environment that supports debate and mutual support, St. Joseph Hospital can achieve the desired results in terms of building a safe and more effective patient care system (French‐Bravo et al., 2020).
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New Process and Skills Practice
Development of New Process and Skills Practice are essential to effectively introduce safety initiatives at St. Joseph Hospital for patient identification errors. These resources will help staff properly apply new procedures for patient identification and ensure all members are equipped to work with new technologies and protocols. These resources and activities includes:
Interactive Workshops: Hands-on workshops to provide participants with actual practice in the new technologies of patient identification. This workshop shall involve detailed demonstrations, and guided practice. Participants will be allowed to get first-hand experience with the updated systems, ask questions, and get immediate feedback from instructors, this approach helps to connect theory with practice.
Simulation Exercises: Simulation exercises involving simulation activities that will simulate routine patient identification scenarios. Such activities are based on real case studies that enable staff to practice and enhance their skills in a controlled environment without actual risk (Abildgren et al., 2022). During such simulations, staff members will encounter and fix any potential problems before they actually happen in the clinical setting, thus building problem-solving skills and boosting confidence levels in patient identification tasks.
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Online Training Modules: Online training modules will be prepared with regards to the new processes and protocols. Elements for interactivity, such as quizzes and case studies, will be offered to reinforce learning. The flexibility of online training makes accessing the content easy for all staff at times most convenient to them. This will mean that the entire team can stay updated with the latest procedures and updates (Lee et al., 2020).
Competency Assessments: There will be regular competency assessments that will evaluate staff in the new processes. These are conducted at periodic intervals to note progress and, highlight areas that may call for additional training. The results bring about consistency in how all staff members operate under the modified protocols and continue to maintain high standards of practice.
The integration of these resources and activities is important to ensure the adequate preparation and empowerment of staff members, so they can execute new processes within institutions effectively. Interactive workshops and simulation exercises introduce an element of practice/hands-on experience, while the online modules make learning flexible. Competency assessments introduce continuous skill development and safety compliance. These elements all contribute to improved process understanding and skill proficiency, ultimately leading to a reduction in patient identification errors and increased patient safety.
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Soliciting Feedback
The proper implementation of the safety improvement plan at St. Joseph Hospital requires continuous feedback from every health care provider and all staff regarding patient identification errors. The engagement of the staff in the process of providing feedback is required to identify problems that can potentially cause issues, to understand practical challenges, and to alter the improvement plan accordingly (Carayon et al., 2020). In Feedback Mechanisms several strategies will be employed:
Regular Anonymous Surveys: Anonymous surveys would be given out to produce honest feedback from the staff on the new processes and training programs. The content will be directed toward the effectiveness of training and procedures, hence identifying exactly the barriers that delay effective implementation.
Focus Groups: Focus group discussions will be organized with different staff members in order to draw information from experiences that vary in operation under the new processes. Such discussion will deliver good qualitative data on challenges faced and what needs to be improved, hence provide a detailed understanding of their perspective (Miller et al., 2021).
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Suggestion Boxes: Suggestion boxes will be located in various parts of the hospital, easily accessible to the staff for submitting their suggestions or concerns. This approach fosters continuous feedback and helps identify those problems that may not be caught by official resources.
Feedback Meetings: Feedback meetings will be organized with key process stakeholders to improve and review feedback gathered for possible adjustment and making proper changes to the improvement plan. These meetings shall be a means of actively practicing feedback in the act of improving and increasing the plan’s effectiveness.
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The St. Joseph Hospital’s improvement plan In-Service Session identified critical patient safety issues in regard to patient identification errors. These key areas of improvement and the effective strategies at the root cause were defined in this session, formulated in the form of interactive workshops with simulation exercises and online training modules. The feedback mechanisms will then modify these strategies in ways that best suit the practical needs of the staff and provide safety for their patients. Constant evaluation for adjustment will build a culture of safety and reliability that will generate improved health outcomes for the patients treated at St. Joseph Hospital.
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Abildgren, L., Lebahn-Hadidi, M., Mogensen, C. B., Toft, P., Nielsen, A. B., Frandsen, T. F., Steffensen, S. V., & Hounsgaard, L. (2022). The effectiveness of improving healthcare teams’ human factor skills using simulation-based training: a systematic review. Advances in Simulation, 7(1).
Carayon, P., Wooldridge, A., Hoonakker, P., Hundt, A. S., & Kelly, M. M. (2020). SEIPS 3.0: Human-centered design of the patient journey for patient safety. Applied Ergonomics, 84(84), 103033.
French‐Bravo, M., Nelson‐Brantley, H. V., Williams, K., Ford, D. J., Manos, L., & Veazey Brooks, J. (2020). Exploring nurses’ perceptions of nurse managers’ communicative relationships that encourage nurses’ decisions to buy‐in to initiatives that enhance patients’ experiences with care. Journal of Nursing Management, 28(3), 567–576.
Kavanagh, A., & Donnelly, J. (2020). A Lean Approach to Improve Medication Administration Safety by Reducing Distractions and Interruptions. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 35(4), 1.
King, R., Taylor, B., Talpur, A., Jackson, C., Manley, K., Ashby, N., Tod, A., Ryan, T., Wood, E., Senek, M., & Robertson, S. (2020). Factors that optimise the impact of continuing professional development in nursing: A rapid evidence review. Nurse Education Today, 98(2), 104652.
Lee, J., Kim, H., Kim, K. H., Jung, D., Jowsey, T., & Webster, C. S. (2020). Effective virtual patient simulators for medical communication training: A systematic review. Medical Education, 54(9), 786–795.
Miller, C. J., Barnett, M. L., Baumann, A. A., Gutner, C. A., & Wiltsey-Stirman, S. (2021). The FRAME-IS: A framework for documenting modifications to implementation strategies in healthcare. Implementation Science, 16(1).
Organization, W. H. (2021). Global patient safety action plan 2021-2030: towards eliminating avoidable harm in health care. In Google Books. World Health Organization. The+role+of+healthcare+providers+ in+implementing+safety+improvement+plans&ots=xKSY8_ emur&sig=tCCOpbGiYxFIvTBkj8GbYpEQtCM
Samardzic, M., Doekhie, K. D., & Wijngaarden, J. D. H. (2020). Interventions to Improve Team Effectiveness within Health care: A Systematic Review of the past Decade. Human Resources for Health, 18(2).
Sittig, D. F., Wright, A., Coiera, E., Magrabi, F., Ratwani, R., Bates, D. W., & Singh, H. (2020). Current challenges in health information technology–related patient safety. Health Informatics Journal, 26(1), 146045821881489.
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