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NURS-FPX 4050 Assessment 1 Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

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NHS FPX 4000:
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NHS FPX 4000:
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NHS FPX 4000:
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NHS FPX 4000:
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NHS FPX 4000:
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Applying Research Skills

NHS FPX 4000:
Developing a Health Care Perspective

NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 2
Applying Research Skills
NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 2
Applying Research Skills
NHS FPX 4000 Assessment 2
Applying Research Skills

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Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Learner’s Full Name
Capella University of Health and Sciences

FPX 4050: Coordinating Patient-Centered Care

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Month Year

Preliminary Care Coordination

Preliminary Care Coordination provides the foundation on which individualized patient care plans are established and implemented, including patients, families, caregivers, health care professionals and agencies. It helps in proper planning and disbursement of resources to avoid hitches in the communication and overall functioning of the body. This assessment specifically targets the first care management of domestic violence incidences. The plan therefore seeks to cater for the physical, emotional, and psychological requirements of the victims of domestic violence. Its objectives include the stabilization of victims in the emergency phase, medical and psychological intervention, referral to other community agencies, and monitoring. The aim of this Preliminary Care Coordination is to address all the needs of the victims while ensuring their well-being and protection.

Perceptive Analysis of Health Concern

During my practice as a staff nurse, I have learned that domestic violence is one of the most pressing social issues that needs addressing effectively and urgently (Lanchimba et al., 2023). Due to social and psychological causes, domestic violence requires comprehensive measures for the prevention of violence against vulnerable individuals. Abuse leads to physical and psychological traumas, which have an impact on health. Healthcare practitioners should remain responsive to the needs of victims and endorse all efforts to fight domestic violence. Education of the community is a critical component in ensuring that the public is informed of what is considered abuse, the available prevention measures and the necessary steps to be taken to support victims.

Intervention can only be achieved with the support of the healthcare practitioners, social service professionals, and the government. This entails crisis intervention services, legal advocacy, support groups and education for breaching the social contract by any of the parties

involved. Working on the direct problems of domestic violence and carrying out prevention and intervention activities can significantly improve the quality of life of battered women. Some of the essential ones include safeguarding the well-being of the victims, providing medical and psychological care if necessary, and providing directions to other essential services within the community. It also aids in eliminating future cases of domestic violence as well as supporting the overall societal goal of improving health and safety for all people.

Best Practices for Health Improvement

The following are some of the health practices that play an important role in responding to and finding a solution to the problem of domestic violence. These practices include aspects of physical, social, and psychosocial injury. In order to address these challenges they require support from communities as well as central and state governments. With regard to these environmental initiatives, it is possible to strive for combating the phenomenon of domestic violence. This entails not only the management of the physical injuries but also social and psychological consequences of the attacks on victims.

Studying the issue and understanding the examples of cooperation can open the path to the restoration of justice and the enhancement of the lives of individuals who are at risk of becoming victims of domestic violence. In these endeavor’s, community and governmental support aid in extensive approaches to cover areas such as crisis intervention, legal aid, or support groups. Thus, it is possible to significantly improve the overall situation and transition to a mutual work of the entire society with the aim of altering the lives of people who suffered from domestic violence and avoiding similar events in the future.

Physical Considerations

There are various physical health consequences that have to be associated with the problem of domestic violence. Physical complications such as injuries and chronic pains. Victims are vulnerability to diseases and allergies due to stress and trauma. These symptoms should however, be treated by a qualified medical practitioner to avoid further development of other complications. This includes providing accurate prescriptions, recommending, and suggesting correct rehabilitations including exercise, education, and psychological counseling and constantly monitoring their health (Su et al., 2021). Besides treating for physical assault, these interventions enhance the quality of life of domestic violence victims.

Psychosocial Considerations

Emotional and psychological consequences of rape include facets such as fear, hopelessness, depression, PTSD, and low self-esteem (Filip & Popp, 2021). The long-term effects of abuse include mental health disorders and social marginalization of the abused person. Therefore, counselling and therapy services should be given to the survivors and directory information about the support groups to enable the survivors to get over with the experience and regain their self-esteem.

Cultural Considerations

Culture plays a very significant role in the elimination of domestic violence because cultures, ethics, and standards define how a victim perceives or faces abuse (Lomazzi, 2023). Cultural perceptions of male and female roles, responsibilities, family relationships, and attitudes towards seeking help shape the ways that domestic violence is identified and addressed. As culture is an influential aspect of gender-related assaults, healthcare providers and support services need to understand the culture of victims. This includes offering translated documents, not addressing culturally sensitive problems like domestic violence, and using appropriate

cultural reference characters and bodies in the help process. Cultural competent care and support entails to ensure that the victims are well cared, supported and feel at ease as they wait to be safe and recover.

Community Resources

Community resources should also be taken into account when developing policies against domestic violence (Mshweshwe, 2020). Some of the services offered by the Community-based participatory research (CBPR) includes emergency or toll free numbers and shelter homes. Hotlines provide crisis intervention and can make the victims connect with other service providing organizations in the community, while shelters provide temporary shelter for battered women and children and offer case management services. In addition, support groups provide informative and emotional assistance to the survivors as they assist in reassembling the broken lives of the survivors. These are essential in protecting the lives and health of the victims and in the reintegration of offenders of domestic violence.

Moreover, synthesizing those community resources in one coordinated support system enhances the interventions for the survivors of domestic violence. That is why integrated work of the healthcare providers, social services, and community organizations is very efficient. Such a system of support is to provide the victim with safety and shelter right after the abuse and counseling, legal aid, and education at later stages. It is therefore possible to build a good system of response where cases of domestic violence, when they occur, are well handled and at the same time get rid of by ensuring that such cases do not occur in the first place hence improving the quality of life in the community.

Best Practices

The tactics that should be employed in fighting this case should be education, prevention, intervention, and support. Preventive education for communities aims at informing communities how to look for instances of domestic violence and encouraging them to embrace healthy relationship. It is relevant to learn that School and workplace Violence prevention strategies or community awareness campaigns can help to address factors that promote violence. Measures such as increasing the effectiveness of protective orders and expanding the criminal provisions against the offenders are equally relevant.

The first steps of the intervention procedures include crisis hotlines, shelters, counseling services, etc. Appropriate response and additional support services for the survivors are coordinated through multi-agency collaboration between healthcare organizations, police departments, social and other community agencies (Fraga Rizo et al., 2020). This encompasses counselling services and support groups for the victims, survivors of intimate partner violence. Learning about these various models can help communities develop a solid structure to prevent domestic violence and help survivors rebuild their lives.

Underlying Assumptions

Caring for abused women requires consideration of assumptions in the physical, psychosocial, and cultural perspectives, all of which are essential when treating the condition. There exists a cultural belief that only victims with physical injuries and other health complications need urgent hospital attention. Psychosocially, survivors are considered to experience enormous psychological damage that requires counseling and therapy and support to treat conditions such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD (Martin et al., 2021). As for culture, it is assumed that cultural values influence the experience of victims and their readiness to report such cases. These cultural beliefs must be embraced through translated materials and the

engagement of community stakeholders in the planning and implementation of an effective intervention. By addressing these assumptions in a holistic manner, healthcare providers are in a position to address needs of victims-physical, emotional and cultural and assist them to get back their lives.


Interventions aimed at addressing domestic violence must include the formulation of SMART goals that include goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. For instance, a tangible and quantifiable objective could involve enhancing the number of victims that seek support services by 20%. An example might be providing fifty healthcare providers training on domestic violence response within six months while ensuring relevance by increasing victim safety, decreasing trauma, and increasing access to services. SMART goals guarantee that interventions are timely implemented, affordable as well as research-based thus improving the safety as well as well-being of the victims of domestic violence.

Goal 1: Increase Access to Support Services

· Specific: To increase the number of domestic violence victims seeking support services, efforts will be made on improving on the availability of such services as hotlines, shelter, legal aid, counseling services (Bates & Douglas, 2020). The goal of this strategy is to offer tailored assistance to the victims of domestic violence.

· Measurable: Using records in service delivery, it is possible to aspire to help 25% of domestic violence victims by properly applying available services. Monthly usage data should also be used to record and evaluate compliance with this goal.

· Achievable: Improve service delivery through collaboration with the shelter homes, legal aid organizations and counseling agencies. Ensure the staff team is trained on how best to handle clients that have been through trauma.

· Relevant: The purpose of this goal is to guarantee an instant and long-term assist with victims and help them escape abusive relationships and get the required assistance. Availability of services is important in ensuring that the victims are assisted promptly and that their rights are protected.

· Time-bound: Amplify this increase in service availability by the next year, with check points at quarterly meetings to make sure that set targets are met.

Goal 2: Improve on Community Sensitization and Outreach

· Specific: Conduct awareness programs on domestic violence that include indoor and outdoor programs, in order to reach the targeted audience in the shortest time possible (Kiani et al., 2021).

· Measurable: Deliver 10 awareness sessions or academic engagement activities and disseminate 1000 informative fliers. Control the activity by measuring attendance and collect responses from the audience using a number of questionnaires and surveys.

· Achievable: Work with organizations and schools to organize training sessions and disseminate information to the desired audience. Finally, it is necessary to use social networks as additional tools to promote the campaign and attract more people to it.

· Relevant: Community sensitization is important in addressing and reporting cases of domestic violence as an aware community can easily recognize the victims and assist them accordingly.

· Time-bound: Implement and conduct the campaign within six months with a check point after three months to review the strategies used and adapt other effective strategies. Importance of Coordination with Patient and Family

Importance of Coordination with Patient and Family

When working with a patient who has a history of domestic violence, it is important for the physician to include family members in the patient’s treatment. Involving them in care planning makes it easy to give care that will best suit the survivor because it promotes individualized care. Family involvement helps in the patient’s encouragement, supervision and contribution towards teamwork all of which boosts the patient’s confidence and trust. Informing families about the causes of domestic violence and the support services available enhances their capacity to help the victim. It also enables identification of potential barriers the patient and family may experience in accessing specialized programs or services, so that interventions are not only supportive, but can also be rehabilitative.

Available Community Resources

People who are victims of domestic violence and are being abused physically, psychologically, or culturally can get support from a variety of places. Along with psychological effects like worry and sadness, physical injuries including cuts on the skin, fractures, and head traumas are frequent. Cultural beliefs can affect someone’s readiness to ask for assistance. Safety planning and prompt measures are frequently required. In addition to safety planning and referrals to nearby resources, the National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-SAFE) provides round-the-clock assistance (The National Domestic Violence Hotline, 2019).

Safe Haven Laws in many of the states provide free or low cost shelter in the form of housing. The National Family Violence Prevention & Services Act (FVPSA) has funds for

emergency shelters and transitional housing (Kulkarni et al., 2021). The National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC) offers legal services; and programs under the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) offers legal help for protection orders and issues related to child custody.

The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) is a treasure trove of tools and resources to aid victims, the National Coalition against Domestic Violence (NCADV) and mental health. org provides recommendations on support groups and counseling agencies. These groups would like victims of domestic abuse to know that they are not alone and help is out there.


The plan for victims of domestic abuse focuses especially on the health aspect of the problem and employs comprehensive approaches to it. To ensure that impacts of domestic abuse are reduced this plan has considered the physical, mental and social impact. The care plan addresses various aspects of violence to possibly reduce it by developing and achieving specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound objectives. To promote patient’s overall health, the patient, his/her family, health care professionals, and community organizations must all work together. The goal of the preliminary care coordination plan is also to meet the needs of the victims of domestic abuse.


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NURS-FPX 4050 Assessment 1

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